To characterize the socio-economic and demographic profile of patients undergoing surgery for revision total hip arthroplasty regarding the diagnosis of deep prosthetic infection.
Twenty patients were retrospectively studied, admitted in the period between 2009 and 2010 by the Hip Surgery Group with the diagnosis of deep prosthetic infection, whose proposed treatment was surgical. This study was carried out in the presence of the patient by completing two forms applied by the social worker of the Group.
In a 20-patient sample, 40% were male, 45% were working age, 50% of patients originated from the capital, 85% depended on benefits, 70% were retired, 60% of patients were from this hospital, and 40% were from other services. The average cost of patients to the public system was R$ 55,821.62 per patient and the total spent on treatment of patients in the study exceeded one million Brazilian reals, totalling R$ 1,116,432.40.
Infection from total hip arthroplasty generates a major expense to the social security system and to the public healthcare system. Physicians must always be alert to the possible risk factors and perioperative care, striving to minimize this complication.
Authors: Vera Lucia Frazão, Helder de Souza Miyahara, Ricardo Akihiro Kirihara, Ana Lucia Lei Munhoz Lima, Alberto Tesconi Croci José Ricardo Negreiros Vicente
Hip arthroplasty;
Cost analysis
Font: Scielo
ORIGINAL ARTICLE • Rev. bras. ortop. 52 (06) • Nov-Dec 2017
Frazão, Vera Lucia et al. Social profile and cost analysis of deep infection following total hip replacement surgery. Revista Brasileira de Ortopedia [online]. 2017, v. 52, n. 06 [Accessed 14 March 2022] , pp. 720-724. Available from: <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rboe.2017.10.003>. ISSN 1982-4378. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rboe.2017.10.003.
Dr. Ricardo é médico formado pela Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo e cursou Ortopedia e Traumatologia no Instituto de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo.
Rua Cincinato Braga, 340 – 6º Andar
Bela Vista | São Paulo/SP
Portuguese, English
Dr. Ricardo Kirihara - CRMSP 161.743 RQE 68.270 TEOT 15.216 | Este site obedece as orientações do Conselho Federal de Medicina e do Código de Ética Médica, que proíbe a apresentação de fotos de pacientes, resultados ou procedimentos. As informações nele contidas podem variar conforme cada caso e representam apenas uma ideia genérica do atual estágio das técnicas apresentadas, não substituindo, em hipótese alguma, uma consulta médica tradicional e muito menos representando promessas de resultados. Desenvolvido por HUMAN MKT